Anti Aging Treatment That Works
Anti aging treatment is and always has been a hot topic.
Since ancient times men and women have sought to hang onto youth as long as
possible. Today our culture is particularly youth oriented, and this has made
the anti aging treatment industry a very big business. The reality is that
aging is not a process that can be stopped. It is possible however, to age
well, and that has much less to do with erasing wrinkles off the face, and much
more to do with living a healthy lifestyle in mind and body, and accepting the
process of aging as part of the normal course of life.
The Process of Aging
In the human body, the process of aging takes this form: for
the first 20 to 50 years of life, the body's cells renew themselves near
perfectly. After that, there is a decline in the ability to respond to stress,
imbalances in the 'systems' within the body, and increased risk of disease.
Eventually, this breakdown leads to death.
Some scientists now pursue the line that aging is a disease
that can be cured. Indeed, there is a genetic triggering mechanism that causes
aging to begin, and theoretically it is possible to affect that trigger.
However, millions of years of selection have created the aging process,
choosing reproduction over longevity as the method for survival of the species.
It would be very difficult to create an anti aging treatment that could
overcome the evolutionary process.
Skin Deep Anti Aging
Over 80% of products that claim to be anti aging treatments
are simply designed to treat wrinkles of the face and neck. Plastic surgery and
botox injections are also touted as anti aging treatment, but really all any of
this does is deal with the aesthetic quality of aging, that is sagging skin,
baggy eyes, grey hair and more. There is nothing wrong with pursuing any of
these 'treatments' per say, in fact the psychological boost may help in overall
health. However, one should be aware that these 'treatments' are literally only
skin deep.
Hormone Anti Aging
Hormone balance is required for vital body functions to
properly regulate and repair themselves. There are many types of hormones
produced by the body, and as the production of these hormones begins to decline
the body experiences many changes, including fat accumulation, decreased
libido, suppression of the immune system, loss of muscle mass, bone density and
mental clarity. Human Growth Hormone has been championed as the 'master'
hormone that controls much of the body functions, and there have been many
claims that injections of HGH slow the aging process considerably.
However, it has also been shown that HGH injections can lead
to many other problems, including creating diabetes in the body. This is a
controversial area that is still under investigation, but there is always
danger associated with taking animal hormones into the body.
Caloric Restriction
Anti Aging Treatment
Another method of anti aging treatment is by practicing
caloric restriction. This means eating far fewer calories and achieving a body
weight 15% to 20% less that your natural 'set-point' weight. Obesity puts a
great deal of stress on the body, and few overweight people achieve longevity.
Unfortunately, obesity has become an epidemic in the developed world, which
means few people will be willing to try caloric restriction as a means to
achieve healthy aging. It also means that it is difficult to establish what our
actual 'set-point' is, since most guidelines are adjusted to accommodate the
general obesity in our society.
The Simplest Anti
Aging Treatment
The best, most holistic anti aging treatment is also what
most people don't want to hear: eating a proper diet and getting regular
exercise. The societies which tend to have the most aged people have several
things in common: they eat more vegetables than anything else, they eat very
little red meat, they spend most days, everyday, walking and working, and their
society has a healthy respect for the elderly.
It is difficult to practice this in our society,
particularly since much of our food is laced with sugar, sedentary jobs and
recreation is the norm, and our society tends to regard the elderly as
However, being aware of what we need to do can help us make
decisions on a daily basis, and ultimately lead a healthier life.
The best anti aging treatment allows for every method that
is healthy and safe, for both body and spirit. Most of the anti aging treatment
industry is built around trying to eliminate lines and wrinkles, and this can
give an important boost to confidence. However, it is equally important to
concern oneself with overall health; to eliminate toxins, keep calorie intake
low, get plenty of exercise and fresh air, and drink lots of pure, clean water.
Combine all this with a grateful attitude and you have a winning combination
for achieving a long, healthy, happy life.
For more information on this and other Natural Treatment
Alternatives, please visit Anti Aging Treatments in Calgary
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